Author: Brian MacDonald
Publisher: Antique Collectors Club
Price: £43 + P&P
Tribal Rugs - Treasures of the Black Tent is an exploration of one of the
most ancient crafts in the world.
Beginning with the discovery of the oldest complete rug, which has been
dated to the 4th-5th century BC, the reader is taken on a journey through
the weaving history of the nomadic peoples of Iran, Afghanistan, The
Caucasus and Central Asia.
This new book contains a much larger chapter on the Turkmen tribes and
extensive up-dating throughout, plus a multitude of new photographs. In
this edition I have concentrated on the tribes of the Turkmen people, the
Baluch and Timuri tribes inhabiting the border-lands of Iran and
Afghanistan, the Persian tribes and lastly, but by no means least, the
village rugs from the tribes that inhabit the Caucasus.
Twenty chapters introduce the different tribal groups and illustrate the
rugs, carpets, kilims and utilitarian dowry bags attributed to their
weavers. Tribal Rugs is both a celebration of the woven legacy left by the
nomadic tribes and a tribute to the skill and artistry of the women who
created these wonderful works of tribal art. I hope that it will provide an
introduction for the novice and excite the more knowledgeable to further
Tribal Rugs - Treasures of the Black Tent was acclaimed as " of the
finest books written on tribal rugs." (Ghereh International Review).
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